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I have today (12th April) received an email from APM confirming that the Management Skills Centre is no longer an accredited training provider.

The reason is that a week ago I discovered seventeen extremely critical reviews of APM examinations on Trustpilot. If you put "APM reviews" into GOOGLE these reviews are at the top of the list. These reviews supported and strongly amplified negative feedback that we had received from our own delegates.

Course bookings always drop in an economic recession, but the effect of these reviews can only make things much worse.

As we cannot afford to subsidise support for APM, we decided to give up our accreditation. More correctly, we withdrew our request to APM for what is now an annual reaccreditation.

After twenty five years with APM accreditation, firstly at University College London and then at the Management Skills Centre, it is sad to give it up.

Termination of our accreditation means that the MSC name no longer appears on the APM website and we cannot submit candidates for APM examinations. However I am happy to continue with the training as published on our website. We use all our own training material and do not depend on APM material. Delegates would have to make their own arrangements with APM for the examination. For those who have already paid for the examination we will of course pay them the exam fees booked directly with APM.


Course Dates

5-6 Aug 12, 13, 19, 20 Aug 2-5 Sep 9, 10, 16, 17, 23 Sep 7,8,14,15,21,22 Oct 28-31 Oct 4, 5, 11, 12, 18 Nov 2,3,9,10,16,17 Dec
Accelerated PMQ PPQ PFQ PMQ Accelerated PMQ plus PPQ PFQ PMQ Accelerated PMQ plus PPQ


PPQ Re-Accreditation

Our PPQ online course is about giving applicants practice in developing the skills of demonstration, critical analysis and evaluation. Delegates need to have PMQ material at their finger-tips. We update them on the changes to the PMQ syllabus from BoK6 to 7 and talk about ethics and professionalism.

Then it is all about using the sample case study with the illustrative types of assessment - scenario role play, oral exam and written report - all carried out online in small discussion groups.

This approach has proved very successful with high pass rates and a top mark of 89%. APM have just reaccredited the MSC for the next four years to offer PPQ.


After the onset of the epidemic  we moved all our courses, together with the APM examinations, online. This approach has many advantages:

1. Reduces travel/accommodation costs for both delegates and tutor.

2. Makes it easier for delegates living away from the main city centres to obtain training.

3. Cuts CO2 emissions associated with travel.

4. Enables the MSC to run more courses and thus provide greater flexibility for delegates to defer courses.

Events with people in close proximity for six hours or more hours per day and talking is conducive to spread of the virus, so we will remain online until the threat of new variants disappears.

The MSC hopes that its candidates will always try to work out answers to the exam questions rather than dredge their memories for the words in the Study Guide.   As we say, every project is different and presents new challenges; we as project managers have to work out the solutions using a logical approach. Our approach to PFQ,  PMQ and PPQ  is informed by this aim.  

We use our own MSC Study Guides which we have developed over 14 years of experience. Sometimes they go beyond the syllabus to help delegates see how a technique is used rather than just why it might be used. The courses are not just about passing the examination but developing expertise to manage projects in an effective and successful manner.

No! The tutor is not giving a lecture but explaing points, searching for delegates' prior experiences, starting discussions, emphasing where delegates often meet difficulty and trying to instil confidence in answering the questions in the way intended by the examiners.

Yes, for all three courses. The MSC has full accreditation for PFQ, PMQ and PPQ.

Booking a course

To book a place on a course, please fill in a Course Booking Request Form available via the course details. This requires selection of a particular date for the training.

Queries should be by phone to 01892 506872 or by email to

Please note that delegates must now book their examination  directly with APM.

Price Increases

21 Mar 2023

For training and examinations starting after 1 April 2023, we regret that prices have been increased. A large part of the expenditure is on the APM examination where fees have risen this year by 15% for PFQ and 7.5% for PMQ and PPQ; these fees are raised every year on 1 April.

In contrast, we have kept our fees unchanged since August 2020 when we started to offer online training based on the new BoK7 syllabuses.


PMQ and PPQ changes

11 Oct 2022

APM have announced a series of changes to both PMQ and PPQ examinations.


Extra 15 minutes reading time for PMQ exam

15 Mar 2022

APM have added a further 15 minutes reading time to the PMQ examination, making its total length 3 hours 15 minutes. How then should a candidate allocate their time?


Studying for the PMQ

Delegates' comments

"One of the most beneficial and enjoyable courses I have ever been on."

"An excellent couple of days spent training .. just the morale boost I needed having lost my job only two days beforehand."

" Thank you once again for a fantastic course. I would recommend your PMQ course without hesitation to my colleagues." 


APM Online examinations

Please consult the APM website at

and watch the video.